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Download: New Organizational Structure and Governance
The Filipino-American Capital Seventh-day Adventist Church (FilAmCap) originated as a Filipino congregation, consisting of several Filipino families from Sligo Church and other nearby Adventist churches.
November 3, 1990
The group conducted its inaugural worship service at the previous Potomac Conference extension office building located in Takoma Park, MD.
November 2, 1991
First Anniversary Sabbath
July 3, 1991
It was established as a company during a ceremony conducted by former Potomac Conference President, Pastor Ralph Martin, and was designated as Filipino Capitol Seventh-day Adventist Church.
November 7, 1992
On its second anniversary, the organization was officially recognized as a church, boasting 69 chartered members.
December 1992
The church relocated to the United Methodist Church in College Park, MD. During this period, the church acquired a 4.9-acre parcel of land along Ammendale Rd, Beltsville, MD, for $186,173.00, with the intention of constructing their own church building. It appears that it did not occur, seemingly due to divine providence.
The church experienced substantial growth in church attendance, increasing its church membership from 69 to 269.
February 2009
The congregation decided to rent the former Hana Presbyterian Church, where Korean believers gathered for worship, which is now the current location of the church at 4216 Powder Mill Rd, Beltsville, MD.
December 10, 2010
The property the church was renting was purchased for $1,540,000.00, following nearly two years of rental.
Currently, special Sabbath church attendance ranges from 140 to 150, with an average of 90 to 100, enhanced by guests from various locations
Someday, everywhere, everybody comes in contact with a F-I-L-A-M disciple and is led to follow Christ.
The Filipino-American Capital Seventh-day Adventist Church exists to:
Go with Jesus in making disciples of all ages.
We develop mature, committed disciples through the F-I-L-A-M Discipleship Process.
Everything we do at Fil-Am Capital church revolves around these five purposes:
F - We shall lead the unbelievers (Spiritually Dead) to experience FELLOWSHIP.
I - We shall guide the new believer (Spiritual Infant) to receive INSTRUCTION from the Word of God.
L - We shall nurture the growing believer (Spiritual Child) to develop LOVE with fellow believers.
A - We shall train the maturing believer (Spiritual Young Adult) to have passionate ADORATION of God daily in personal worship, work, and witness.
M - We shall release the fully developed disciple (Spiritual Parent) to a MINISTRY of reproducing more committed disciples.